Hva er flyball?

April 22, 2022

Har du noen gang prøvd hindringer? Kjører langs et spor, så vel som å hoppe over en stående bar hvert få skritt?

Jeg husker noen få hindringer på grunn av høy institusjon fitness center klasse. Jeg ønsket å være grasiøs så vel som koordinert så vel som rask. Hver så vanlig ville jeg oppdage rytmen, men hovedsakelig var det bare allround vanskelig.

Ser på hunder på flyball, jeg er ikke på noen måte nostalgisk for mine høye institusjon hindringer dager. Jeg vil gjerne la hundene gjøre det fra nå av.

Jeg er tilbake i dag med en ekstra avdrag i vår serie om Pet Dog Sports.

Dagens emne er flyball!

Hva er flyball?

Flyball er som det raskeste spillet med henting med hindringer kastet inn for moro skyld.

En kjæledyrhund sprints ned et direkte spor, hopper over fire hindringer. På slutten av sporet plukker kjæledyrhunden en sfære fra en spesiell dispenser som heter en flyboks, svinger, så vel som løpene tilbake nedover banen, hopper hindrene igjen.

Her er en video som viser sporten:

Hunderløp i lag med fire med neste kjæledyrhund som starter så snart den forrige kjæledyrhunden krysser linjen. To lag kjører om gangen, så hver kjæledyrhund er iverksatt mot en ekstra på parallelle spor.

Zoom! Flyball i Hamilton, Ontario

For Paula Johnson er lagelementet hennes mye elskede del av flyball.

“Vi har så mye moro som et lag, så vel som at koster helger sammen med våre hunder, så vel som andre lag,” sier hun.

“Du kan se nytelsen som sporten produserer, så vel som nøyaktig hvor mye folk akkurat som spenningen av racing med sine hunder.”

Paula, sammen med sin kone, Kim Fountain, er kaptein av zoom! Flyball i Hamilton, Ontario. Hun er også en dommer med North American Flyball Association. Mens hun er en hengiven flybillekonkurrent nå, var det ikke alltid tilfelle.

“Jeg hadde lenge vært inkludert i Pet Dog Sports – Agility, lydighet, sporing, konformasjon – så vel som ble rekruttert av en god venn for å prøve flyball. Jeg var motvillig i begynnelsen. Dessuten hadde jeg en mini-bull terrier – ikke den mest tydelige flyballhunden. Viser seg, både henne så vel som jeg likte sporten så vel som resten er historie. ”

Beste kjæledyr hunder raser for flyball

Mens raske hunder som grenser collies, whippets samt sportsblandinger er de mest tydelige alternativene for flyball, noen form for kjæledyr hund kan spille.

Zoom! Flyball-teamet består av hunder av alle former, størrelser og raser. Så lenge hunder er fysisk i form, så vel som å ta glede i spillet, kan de spille.

Her er en video av sporten fra Zoom! Flyball!:

Hunder som deltar i flyball må være passende vekt, med stor muskelmasse, samt et rutinemessig treningsregime for å sikre at de klarer å kjøre sprints over, så vel som om igjen.

Paula sier, “Vi behandler våre hunder som idrettsutøvere, så vel som sørg for at de får kiropraktisk omsorg, massasje, passende oppvarming, så vel som flotte nedprotokoller. Vi vil at de skal være i god form for å hindre skader, samt gi dem et langt liv på å spille denne sporten. ”

Mye avgjørende aspekt er for hunder å ha en god henting så vel som forbindelse med eieren.

“De fleste tror at hvis de har en kjæledyrhund som liker sfærer som flyball er det tydelige valget. Men for å være ærlig, er sfæren bare en liten del av spillet, “beskriver Paula.

“Hundes krav til å ønske å komme tilbake til handleren for hva som helst belønning de bruker – mat, slep leketøy, frisbee. Hvis de bare blir konsumert med sfæren, kan det virkelig være et problem å reparere i trening. ”

Hvordan trene en kjæledyrhund for å spille flyball

Som med en hvilken som helst type kjæledyrhunder sport, kan du ikke tvinge en kjæledyrhund for å spille flyball. All training is made with positive methods. Paula sier at trening kan ta minst et år fra begynnelse til å være forberedt på å løpe. depending upon the pet dog it might take longer.

The very first step is to develop that drive in your pet dog to make them want to return to you. Then, it’s about getting ready for the technical elements of flyball.

Since a flyball program is out as well as back, a strong as well as appropriate “swimmers turn” is important.

The method starts with mentor dogs to push off a slanted board or even a wall up until the motion becomes part of their muscle mass memory. then the action is transferred to an actual flyball box.

The final step is adding the sphere as well as mentor the dogs to get the sphere out of the box.

Image from North American Flyball Association

Learning to jump the hurdles

The hurdles are one more element.

“Learning to take the hurdles on the method down as well as the method back is one more piece of the puzzle we train individually at first,” states Paula.

“We want appropriate striding over the jumps to maximize the dog’s speed.” training starts with one jump as well as then progresses to the full set of four.

Once all the pieces are in place, then the pet dog can try a full run.

But training isn’t done yet.

The distraction of other dogs

Learning to run with other dogs is a huge aspect in flyball. Again, training develops slowly from a stationary pet dog in the hall to a pet dog standing in the lane next to them to a pet dog in movement as well as so on up until the pet dog can be successful. then the training starts once again with mentor the pet dog to pass one more pet dog in its own lane.

This was a specific difficulty for Paula’s dog, Jet, “She is a terrier, as well as the prey/chase drive was extremely high. Although she discovered the mechanics of flyball extremely quickly, it took a long time to show her not to chase the pet dog in the other lane.”

Now nearly 10 years later Jet is a professional as well as assists to train new members to the team.

All training is slow, as well as Paula emphasizes that it is crucial to develop on success with each new challenge.

How to get included in flyball

With four dogs running every race, flyball is a lot of absolutely a team sport for both the humans as well as the dogs. Each team can have a overall of six dogs, which enables for back-ups in situation of injury, training new dogs or resting older dogs.

Image from North American Flyball Association

Paula states that everybody has a part to play in the success of a team, from training to all the different tasks that have to be done at a tournament. If you’re thinking about flyball, it’s crucial that you want to be part of a team environment.

At the CanAm Flyball championships in Indianapolis, one of Paula’s teammates experienced a stroke as well as needed emergency brain surgical treatment (she has completely recovered).

“It was frightening as well as the team was trying to hold everything together. We discovered out swiftly exactly how supportive a household the flyball neighborhood truly is – people we didn’t understand were coming as much as us as well as asking exactly how they might help. It was overwhelming, however it speaks with what is at the heart of this sport: community.”

Between training, practicing as well as tournaments, it takes commitment to play flyball. like lots of sports, competitions may take time as well as travel. Zoom! has traveled to competitions in the US, Nova Scotia as well as this year are heading to PEI.

If you’re thinking about trying flyball, the North American Flyball association can be a great location to start. The association uses a blog as well as a listing of all the teams across North America.

“Find a team close to you as well as get in touch with them to see if they are holding classes or handling new members. competitions are likewise provided on that site by region, so see if there is one coming up as well as just go watch. people are always delighted to talk about the sport they love,” Paula advises.

Competing with your dog

Paula’s a lot of unforgettable experience in flyball was when Zoom! Flyball won its division at the CanAm Flyball championships in 2018.

“We had worked so difficult as a team as well as this was the icing on the cake. the very best part was all of the people around the rings enjoying as well as cheering us on. We may not be the fastest team out there, however it doesn’t matter.”

While the present world record is just over 14 seconds, Paula describes that times are normally between 15 as well as 22 seconds.

Teams race against others with similar seed times (the fastest time your team of four dogs can run) so you can always be competitive within your division.

“That is what makes this sport so excellent – you don’t have to aspire to be the top team in the world,” she says.

The team captain is accountable for entering tournaments, which are normally published on the NAFA website. The entry application includes your seed time which makes sure you are put into the ideal division.

Watching dogs race in flyball, I can’t assist however smile. Their interest is obvious—and their skill is impressive. much much better than my hapless hurdle attempts.

Paula concurs, “These dogs go just crazy when they get near the lanes as well as will do it over as well as over once again all weekend. a lot of of the dogs race for many years during their lifetime as well as never lose their interest for the sport.”

Have you ever tried flyball with your dog?

What pet dog sports would you like to see in future posts? let us understand in the comments!Julia Preston skriver for det mutt om kjæledyrhunder vaner samt trening, arbeider hunder så vel som livet på gården hennes i Ontario, Canada. Hun har en søt, avslappet bokserblanding som heter Baxter. Hun er også en bloggforfatter hjemme på 129 dekar hvor hun komponerer om hennes eventyr i landet som bor, så vel som DIY renovering.

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